Hey think about this a while back they gave a lot of old timers the boot out of bethel with a massive layoff of about 1000 I think they even announced it somewhere, think about the bad vibes that is sending all over the place sending as many long time devotees who gave up everything are sent on their way penniless and relying on the charity of others, but not on those they served for so long. I think that sent a very bad message reverberating though bethel and has not been forgotten.
Apparently they have no reverence for those who served the corporation unstintingly and it must be plain for many there at bethel who lost friends who got the unloving boot in the ass as a thank you for nothing from these guys on the GB. I think they rule more by fear and guilt and out right threats just look at AM#3 talk about kids need to get baptized into the corporation or get slaughtered by the corporation Diety multiply that by 6 or 7 if all these guys are as sick as him they must be making enemies every step of the way no matter how many sweet smiles you flash on JW.org. These guys are so desperately in trying to get little kids ice cream money while feeding them to pedofiles saying it's not our responsibility to protect them, and now worst of all threatening them with a violent death from the corporation's Deity if they don't sumit to the organization and get baptized into it locking them into a life long contract of listen obey and shut the fuck up or else.